Halifax BID Came Back for More!
After completing the design and illustration for their Easter Trail, Halifax BID got back in touch to see if we could possibly help. Yes we could!
The idea? A brand spanking new trail for the Love Your Local Market scheme in Halifax town centre. Music to our ears.
Got an idea for a town trail? CLICK HERE to get in touch.
A Tight Deadline…
The only problem… less than a week to complete. Eeeeeek! These trails can take weeks of planning, illustrating, designing – and we certainly wouldn’t want to let standards drop in any way. So by hook or by crook (and a few extremely late nights – we are definitely not a 9-to-5 operation!) we got the hours in and completed the project. Phew!
Maps, trails and activity sheets are our thing! CLICK HERE to ask how we can help create yours!
The Finished Article.
Oh, it looks awesome! The ‘heart’ branding of the Love Your Local Market scheme works perfectly with the bright and fun Felltarn Friends style. It’s a hit.
Want a fun trail for your town? It’s not too late! CLICK HERE to start the ball rolling!